
Showing posts from June, 2018

Howling Wolf - May 27

15-Howling Wolf or One Werewolf Too Many Everyone woke up and discussed the howling from the night. Ronan’s rumbling stomach drove everyone downstairs for grub. The inn barroom was quite empty. The innkeeper brought out plates of deep-fried everything. Fried eggs, tomatoes, sausages and crispy bacon. Fried ham, potatoes and beans. Re-fried beans, even! Chalaska walked in and sat down with the crew to confirm their arrangements. A letter of introduction to Gorbitt Gnawshank was produced. Twenty-five gold pieces will be paid by Gorbitt on their arrival. The final 75 gold pieces awaits the wagons safe arrival in Triboar. The final instructions were as follows: do anything in your power within legal norms to safeguard the wagons and the contents therein and ensure the wagons and their contents safe arrival in Triboar. Gorbitt Gnawshank is ultimately reposibile for getting the wagons to Triboar, but he and his hired help require additional ‘muscle‘ to protect from bandit...