Morning, 25th of Ches, 1492 DR Zephros explained the shattering of the Ordning , the hierarchy of giant-kind and that King Hekaton is missing. Zephros could well be a powerful magic user as Skithrix heard Zephros casting high-level spells related to communicating with other planes. Late Morning, 27 of Ches, 1492 DR Day 3 brought visitors to the cloud giants tower; 9 giant vultures carrying cultists landed at the base of the tower in front of the main door They demanded to speak with the master of the tower. The intimidating Skithrix did not deter them for long, however, as they returned later that day and refused to leave, storming past Skithrix to enter the tower. A battle ensued. Skithrix called down an impenetrable blackness upon them, while Chamele, tiny of body but stout of heart, grappled the taller fanatic to the ground, keeping him quite helpless. Needless to say, our motley crew prevai...