Aug 12

Man, are these guys stealthy. Ronan flicked a coin back onto the bridge and it ‘clinged’ on the stone. Cressaro turned but (rolled a 2) saw nothing. Ronan and Chamele were able to sneak through the door behind the Cressaro. He disappeared down the hallway and into the depths of the castle. A door slammed shut down the hallway and the movement of air nudged the door to their left open. In they crept.
[Searched the ogre bedroom but found nothing…up the stairs]
[Gallery of object d’arts. The crew nabbed some stuff…including a fancy-pants harp. Up the stairs.]
[top floor covered in grass; piles of stones, several telescopes, 6 Aarakocra. They mage-handed the tower door open.]
[Hall of masks. Up the stairs.]
[Study. Invisible Stalkers detected nothing. Up the stairs.]
[Bedroom. Hidden compartment in headboard of bed reveals a small replica chest worth 50gp.]
[Down the stairs to the Study. Invisible stalkers attacked. Ronan gave his feather fall potion to Chamele, polymorphed into a hawk and flew to the air ship. Chamele jumped out of the window, the off of the cloud island. One stalker followed Ronan while the other followed chamele down to the moors. Both were dispatched with aplomb.


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