A Chip off the Golden Goose - May 6

Ready to move on to the next adventure, everyone moved up to the teleportation circle.  One by one they all stepped into the circle and appeared at the other end.  Everyone but Skithryx.  Ronan rushed back to Everlund but he was not there.  "Send me somewhere.  Send me anywhere he might be", Ronan demanded.
Skithryx appeared in a long, stone corridor.  Strange sounds echoing.  On his right, large openings face a mountain range and a strange landscape.  Muted grey rock.  Grey cloud but no blue in the sky, a strangely coloured sky.  At the end of the corridor, an open door.  Skithryx walked toward it.  A figure in shadows.  The echoing sounds louder.  He walked through the door.

Skithryx's demonic eyes penetrated the gloom.  The figure appears tall wearing a cloak or hood.  He took a step forward and suddenly the figure went from 30' to only a few feet away.  The creature appeared to be a collection of sticks and twigs, almost like an animated nest.  It spoke in whispers and hisses.  "Your dessstiny hassss been ssssstolen from you.  Reclaim the keyssss and reclaim your dessstiny."  And then he appeared before his friends in Yartar.  Suffice it to say, there was much discussion that followed.

With a letter of introduction in hand, they met with the current Waterbaron of Yartar, Nestra Ruthiol.  Nestra was very keen to know more about the gambling boat run by Lord Dryland and arranged for an invitation to be extended to the Ronan and Skithryx.  Skithryx and Ronan donned disguises and with fake names committed to memory, boarded the Grand Dame.  They acquired 300gp worth of chips; circular wood disks with a small painting of a golden goose.

Some bold bluffs and a sleight-of-hand trick caught the attention of Pow Ming who magically suggested that Ronan jump into the river.  The Grand Dame circled around and picked up Ronan in a few minutes but Nan Row and Ryx Skyth waited out the remainder of the journey on the stern of the Dame.
Meanwhile on shore, Magdiana and Chamele settled down for a quiet drink in a local harbour tavern.  No one really knows how it started but within seconds the entire room exploded in a brawl that included the bartender and the waitress who flattened a half-orc with a big bowl of spicy chicken wings.  While Mags made it though the door fairly quickly it took Chamele a little dipsy-doodle footwork and slipped between to brawling humans to escape into the night air.  The pair was able to help a poor soul who was getting beaten up in an alley, who returned the favour by picking Magdiana's pocket.  He almost got away with her pixie dust but was promptly chased down and handed over to the local constabulary.
Magdiana and Chamele went back to the waterfront to meet up with Ronan and Skithryx.  A dour and soggy Ronan walked right past them offering no explanation.  Skithryx snickered slightly.  Everyone shared their stories of the nights events.  Skithryx’s eyes were quite wide at their tale of barroom brawls.  He thought he and Ronan had an adventure.


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