Session 10 - April 8, 2018

At Xantharl’s Keep, the good times, they keep on coming.  Yet another giant with delusions of grandeur.  A group of goblins and ogre’s with ‘goblin chuckers’ led by a frost giant launched an attack on the front gate.  Goblins wearing spiked helms were launched via shoulder-mounted trebuchets into the wall and into the village.  One hit (Skithryx) doing damage, both physical and emotional.  Narbeck asked them to patrol the western wall.  
The party heard shouts and sword play from the stable, found a contingent of bugbears fighting a cornered Weevil.  “Who are you?”, he asked.  “We are your saviors” was Magdiana’s reply.  Skithryx got a lot of use from his “Hunger of Hagar” spell.  Ronan watched from a safe distance while Magg’s and Chamele battled a bugbear and some bad luck.  He finally fell.  “Hey, we got one!”
The weevil was rescued only to be apprehended by the crew.  The frost giant abandoned the attack once he learned of the failed bug bear ‘extraction’.
They also learned that a half-elf named Gaerros had been there about a tenday past asking about a dwarf of Maggie’s description and name.  Narbeck Horn sent a troupe of 10 stout shield dwarves to accompany the crew and their prisoner back to Mirabar.
They arrived at Mirabar and promptly found the town Marshall who took custody of the Weevil and told the adventurers of the 5000gp reward.  The would need to return the next day to claim their reward.  They were given an IOU.  Signed with an X.   Boy, I sure hope they asked to see his ID!


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